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This video is the core of the resurrection argument and goes over most of the historical data.
1st Note - This way of arguing for the resurrection was adopted from philosopher Tim McGrew and expanded on.
2nd Note - I am using the term "theory" loosely, not in a strict scientific sense, but in a loose sense to simply mean an idea of what possibly happened in the past.
Mike Licona - The Resurrection of Jesus
Gary Habermas and Mike Licona - The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
Gerd Ludemann - The Resurrection of Christ
JP Holding - Defending the Resurrection
N. T. Wright - The Resurrection of the Son of God
N. T. Wright - There is a God
Antony Flew and Gary Habermas - Did the Resurrection Happen?
John Dominic Crossan - Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography
E.P. Sanders - Jesus and Judaism
E.P. Sanders - The Historical Figure of Jesus
Bart Ehrman - The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the early Christian Writings
William Lane Craig - Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Figment?
William Lane Craig - Reasonable Faith
Geza Vermes - The Resurrection
Richard Bauckham - Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
Gerald O'Collins - What are They Saying About the Resurrection?
Andre Aleman and Frank Laroi - Hallucinations
C. H. Dodd - Apostolic Preaching and its Developments
J Warner Wallace - Cold Case Christianity
R. K. Siegel and L. J. West - Hallucinations
Leonard Zusne and Warren H. Jones - Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Extraordinary Phenomena of Behavior and Experience
Walter Bauer - Crucifixion
David A. deSilva - Honor, Patronage, Kinship, & Purity
Origen - Contra Celsum
Justin Martyr - Apology
Josephus - Antiquities
Richard Bauckham - Gospel Women
Tacitus - Annals
James Saurin - Sermons of the Rev. James Saurin
Jacob Kremer - Die Osterevangelien
Dale Allison - Resurrection Jesus
Behan McCullagh - Justifying Historical Description
Egil Forland - Acts of God?
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